considering joining?
To be eligible to become a Royal Ark Mariner, you must first have been Advanced as a Mark Master Mason in a Mark Lodge. There are no additional or different qualifications for membership and you do not have to wait for a set period of time. If you wanted to you could join at the next Mariners’ meeting after your Advancement in to the Mark!
Royal Ark Mariners is very much a broadening, not a deviation, of a Brother's journey through Freemasonry. This Degree expands your perception of one of the most significant events in the history of the world, The Great Flood, and the dedication of one man, Noah, in saving his family and in preserving life.
It is a really beautiful ceremony with many thought-provoking parts within it.

What is it?
As its name suggests, it has a nautical theme that deals with the circumstances leading up to the Great Flood, as recorded in the Book of Genesis, and the steps taken by Noah to build the Ark by which mankind was preserved.
There is only one ceremony to complete and it is called the ceremony of Elevation, there are some really beautiful sections of this ceremony, which will make a lasting impression on every candidate.
This ancient Degree has been under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons since 1871 but has no historical connection whatsoever with that degree, the arrangement being simply a quirk of fate. It stands entirely alone and totally unrelated to any other degree in Freemasonry but research has shown that it was at one time or another connected with many Orders and Degrees.

Being a member
Membership of a Royal Ark Mariners' Lodge within the Mark Province of Northampton, Huntingdon and Bedford typically costs around £70-80 per annum - plus an initial advancement fee of £30 for registration at Grand Lodge.
Lodges tend to meet three times a year (we have four Lodges that meet four times), with one meeting being Installation. Meetings may be held on a joint basis with the Mark Lodge to which the Lodge is moored.
As in Craft and the Mark, each meeting is followed by a Festive Board, which typically costs around £20 across the Province.
New and used regalia is readily available but the Province also has a small stock of pre-owned regalia, which might offset the initial outlay, if required.

How to become a member
Provided you are a Mark Master Mason there are three ways to become a member:
Ask a friend. You probably already know a member, ask them about joining. They will be Mark Master Masons and that is called the friendly degree after all.
Take a look at our list of RAM Lodges in the Province and get in touch with a Lodge that is convenient for you. You do not have to be a Craft Mason or Mark Master Mason in a Local Lodge to be a member of Royal Ark Mariners in Northampton, Huntingdon and Bedford. We have a number of brethren who practise their Craft or Mark Masonry elsewhere - mostly in London.
Contact our Provincial Grand Secretary. You are assured of a warm reception - he will happily answer any questions and facilitate the process for you.

What the members say...
I love it. Easily the most relaxed Order I'm a member of.
W.Bro. Steve H.
Member since 2014.
If I have any regret at all about RAM it is that I waited so long to join.
Bro. Phil M.
Member since 2023.
I've been a member a long time and enjoyed every minute of it.
W.Bro. Chris J.
Member Since 1996.