Provincial Grand Lodge

Northampton Huntingdon and Bedford Royal Ark Mariners

Welcome to the Provincial website for Royal Ark Mariners.

PGM R.W.Bro. David Sowerby



My name is David Sowerby and I am the Provincial Grand Master for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Northampton, Huntingdon and Bedford, which also administers the R.A.M. Degree.


We hope that you find our website both interesting and informative, whatever your reason for visiting today. We are constantly working to improve its contents and hope it will provide the information which you are seeking and explain the Degree of Royal Ark Mariner.

R.W.Bro. David Sowerby
Provincial Grand Master

The Degree of Royal Ark Mariner is only open to all who are already Mark Master Masons. As a Craft Freemason we ask you to consider the Mark Master Mason’s Degree in particular as a necessary step on your journey for improving your self-knowledge. If you are not yet a Freemason, and keen to become one, we will happily guide you in the right direction.

The Province

Established in June 2021, the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Northampton, Huntingdon, and Bedford is the governing body of all our Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges within the Province. Although the newest constituted Mark Province, we are part of one of the oldest non-religious fraternal societies.


The Order

The exact origins of the R.A.M. Degree are lost in the mists of time, although it is often suggested that it came from the woodworkers who worked closely with the early stonemasons.


Although moored to the Mark by a quirk of history it is a wholly separate and district masonic order with it's own unique and beautiful ceremony.


What the members say...

I love it. Easily the most relaxed Order I'm a member of.

W.Bro. Steve H.

Member since 2014.

If I have any regret at all about RAM it is that I waited so long to join.

Bro. Phil M.

Member since 2023.

I've been a member a long time and enjoyed every minute of it.

W.Bro. Chris J.

Member Since 1996.